
Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizoid personality disorder is primarily characterized by a very limited range of emotion, both in expression of and experiencing. Persons with this disorder are indifferent to social relationships and display flattened affect.

Diagnostic Criteria (DSM-IV™)

1. Indifferent / detachment from social relationships and a very limited range of emotion in an interpersonal setting, as indicated by at least four of the following:

-Wishes not to have or to enjoy close relationships, family included.

-Prefers solitary activities and life.

-Has little or no interest in sex, with other people.

-Has little or no pleasure when doing activities.

-Few if any close friends, other than first-degree relatives.

-Indifferent to criticism or praise.

-Displays flattened affect, emotional coldness, or detachment.

2. Symptoms not due to another disorder.